Kitchen Decor Trends to Elevate Your Space

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The kitchen is always the heart of the home and with warmer weather upon us, it’s no surprise that we’re seeing so many homeowners turning their attention to this space, by updating, elevating, or completely renovating it. While kitchen renovations can be pricey, there are a number of things that can be done just with the decor that is not only affordable but absolutely gorgeous!

So, if you’re ready to give your kitchen a facelift, are preparing to sell your home, or just want to incorporate some new and exciting trends into the mix, then these decor tips are for you. 

Smart Technology

Smart homes have grown in popularity over the past few years and this technology has finally made its way into the kitchen. Nowadays you can find appliances, from your faucets to your fridge, that have Smart Technology integrated. 

If you’re looking to increase the value of your home or want to make your kitchen more modern and evolved, then we recommend utilizing this trend. Not only is it growing in popularity and becoming an item on home buyers’ wishlists, but it also makes your kitchen more functional. Trust us, with the simple switch you’ll be blown away!

Colourful Cabinets

Ever envisioned your kitchen being a little more bright and colourful? Well, this trend will surely help! Long gone are the days when cabinets were only white, black, or dark brown. Homeowners and designers are now having a little more fun with colour, adding bright and eye-catching hues to the woodwork or vinyl of their cabinets.

Currently, bright blues and dark greens are the colours of choice, however, it’s best to pick something that matches your current colour scheme. You’ll be impressed with how this small change can really breathe some life into your kitchen! Not to mention painting or installing new cabinets can be completed in just one weekend.

Glazed Backsplash

Changing up your backsplash is a simple, easy and affordable way to elevate the look and feel of your kitchen. Especially with this year’s glazed tile backsplash trend! While many homeowners are keeping with bright and punchy colours, a glazed and glossy finish on a backsplash tile will look good no matter what colour you decide on. As an added bonus, these tiles not only look great but they are also super easy to clean making them very functional.

Open Shelves

A few years ago it was incredibly normal and on-trend to see all glassware and dishes stored away in a closed cabinet. However, this is no longer the case, as many homeowners and designers are opting for open shelving instead.

The new trend is more of a minimalist approach, as the shelves are used to hold only the necessities. Again, this trend is also very functional as it allows for easy access to your cooking and dining needs and compliments any kitchen quite well.

So, if you want to elevate your kitchen this season, but don’t have the budget to do a complete renovation or kitchen project, then these fun and easy decor trends will help do the trick! While colour is very popular this year, you can rest assured knowing that no matter colour or hue you choose for these decor ideas, your kitchen will still get that modernized look and feel that you’re aiming for.

If you’re looking to elevate your space for resale purposes, be sure to check out and download our home seller’s guide today to make sure you’ve covered all of the bases and will get a great return on your investment.

class SampleComponent extends React.Component { 
  // using the experimental public class field syntax below. We can also attach  
  // the contextType to the current class 
  static contextType = ColorContext; 
  render() { 
    return <Button color={this.color} /> 

The kitchen is always the heart of the home and with warmer weather upon us, it’s no surprise that we’re seeing so many homeowners turning their attention to this space, by updating, elevating, or completely renovating it. While kitchen renovations can be pricey, there are a number of things that can be done just with the decor that is not only affordable but absolutely gorgeous!

So, if you’re ready to give your kitchen a facelift, are preparing to sell your home, or just want to incorporate some new and exciting trends into the mix, then these decor tips are for you. 

Smart Technology

Smart homes have grown in popularity over the past few years and this technology has finally made its way into the kitchen. Nowadays you can find appliances, from your faucets to your fridge, that have Smart Technology integrated. 

If you’re looking to increase the value of your home or want to make your kitchen more modern and evolved, then we recommend utilizing this trend. Not only is it growing in popularity and becoming an item on home buyers’ wishlists, but it also makes your kitchen more functional. Trust us, with the simple switch you’ll be blown away!

Colourful Cabinets

Ever envisioned your kitchen being a little more bright and colourful? Well, this trend will surely help! Long gone are the days when cabinets were only white, black, or dark brown. Homeowners and designers are now having a little more fun with colour, adding bright and eye-catching hues to the woodwork or vinyl of their cabinets.

Currently, bright blues and dark greens are the colours of choice, however, it’s best to pick something that matches your current colour scheme. You’ll be impressed with how this small change can really breathe some life into your kitchen! Not to mention painting or installing new cabinets can be completed in just one weekend.

Glazed Backsplash

Changing up your backsplash is a simple, easy and affordable way to elevate the look and feel of your kitchen. Especially with this year’s glazed tile backsplash trend! While many homeowners are keeping with bright and punchy colours, a glazed and glossy finish on a backsplash tile will look good no matter what colour you decide on. As an added bonus, these tiles not only look great but they are also super easy to clean making them very functional.

Open Shelves

A few years ago it was incredibly normal and on-trend to see all glassware and dishes stored away in a closed cabinet. However, this is no longer the case, as many homeowners and designers are opting for open shelving instead.

The new trend is more of a minimalist approach, as the shelves are used to hold only the necessities. Again, this trend is also very functional as it allows for easy access to your cooking and dining needs and compliments any kitchen quite well.

So, if you want to elevate your kitchen this season, but don’t have the budget to do a complete renovation or kitchen project, then these fun and easy decor trends will help do the trick! While colour is very popular this year, you can rest assured knowing that no matter colour or hue you choose for these decor ideas, your kitchen will still get that modernized look and feel that you’re aiming for.

If you’re looking to elevate your space for resale purposes, be sure to check out and download our home seller’s guide today to make sure you’ve covered all of the bases and will get a great return on your investment.

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