With a municipality of around 211,000 residents, this town provides a well-established urban centre, but also serves a quaint and small-town ambiance to those who reside there.
Dog parks, playgrounds, skate parks, trails, recreational centres and waterfront parks are all available within this town, making it perfect for families of any size. This is one of the reasons as to why Oakville residents are so proud and fond of the quality of life that this small town offers. In fact, a recent survey found that over 86% of city dwellers stated that Oakville is the best place to live within the GTA.
Founded in 1857, the downtown core offers a historical feel, providing a mix of 19th century buildings that service over 400 restaurants, bars, coffee houses and boutique shops. Throughout the town a number of schools, from pre-school to post-secondary institutions, are available, allowing students to learn and experience everything from performing arts to world heritage programs. Oakville is renowned for its excellent schools.
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