Selling your Home? Here are 5 Things You Need to do Before Listing it

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Ready to sell your home? That’s wonderful! But are you ready to sell it for top dollar? With over 21 years of experience, the Joette Fielding Real Estate team has come to learn a few tips that separate an exciting home selling process, from a long, disappointing and exhausting one. No matter the type of market that you’re in. So if you’re getting ready to list your home and move on to something bigger, better, and more your speed, then get ready to put in some work! Because with these 5 simple yet effective tips, you’ll be seeing that SOLD sign out front in no time.

Do Your Research

First things first; research. Before sprucing up the place or adding some finishing touches to make your home sparkle, it’s important to know what the homes in your area are going for. Complete a home evaluation and do some research on the comparables within your neighbourhood to stay in the know. This will give you a great idea and understanding of what your home is worth, what you should list it at and the range at which you can expect it to be sold.

Next on the list is finding the right realtor for you! While family referrals are wonderful, you want to ensure you choose the right realtor for your home, your neighbourhood, and your goals. Your listing agent should have a well-thought-out plan on how to sell your home and how to receive top dollar! Of course, if you ever need a realtor, you can always contact us.

Time for a Deep Clean

It’s time to make your home shine! Before getting the repairs or repainting rooms, give your home a deep clean. This will not only make your home look more appealing to buyers, but it will also help your family during your move. Get rid of the clutter or anything that is no longer serving you. Wash the windows, the walls, and be sure to clean out the fridge and the oven. It’s a small step, but one that moves mountains when it comes to selling your home.

Fix and Repair

Time to call the handyman? Of course, if everything is working up to code in your home you can skip this step. However, if something has been making a noise or not working properly, now would be the best time to get it fixed. Unfortunately, noisy fans or poorly working appliances can cause buyers to walk away from an otherwise beautiful home. Don’t miss out on an offer! Make sure everything is working as it should.

Paint the Walls

Add a little sparkle! To give your home a little TLC and to make it shine, add a fresh coat of paint to the walls. While you’re at it, take a look at some of the trending and popular colours of the season. By adding these modern and on-trend touches to your home, you’ll be able to attract many buyers and sell your home in no time. Not sure if the colour is right for your home or a particular room? Be sure to ask your listing agent! They’ll be able to provide advice and style trends that will keep your home looking fresh and well cared for.

Stage Your Home

Your home is clean and fresh! But it’s not quite ready to be listed on the market. Before getting professional photos done of your home for the MLS listing and for the marketing collateral that you may need, your home will need to be staged. This often-overlooked step helps to sell homes almost 10% quicker than spaces that are not staged!

Don’t just work on the inside of your home! Be sure to stage the outside too. All of this will help increase interest, the number of showings and the number of offers that come to the table. It’s a little bit of work for a great reward! Not sure how to stage a home? Be sure to lean on your listing agent again. They’ll be sure to set up each room to look well cared for, trendy, and right for any buyer.

Getting your home ready for the market can be a bit of a process. But if done correctly, you can be sure to sell your home quickly and easily, with little to no frustration. So do your research and roll up your sleeves! It’s time to put in the effort to sell your home and receive top dollar. Are you ready?

class SampleComponent extends React.Component { 
  // using the experimental public class field syntax below. We can also attach  
  // the contextType to the current class 
  static contextType = ColorContext; 
  render() { 
    return <Button color={this.color} /> 

Ready to sell your home? That’s wonderful! But are you ready to sell it for top dollar? With over 21 years of experience, the Joette Fielding Real Estate team has come to learn a few tips that separate an exciting home selling process, from a long, disappointing and exhausting one. No matter the type of market that you’re in. So if you’re getting ready to list your home and move on to something bigger, better, and more your speed, then get ready to put in some work! Because with these 5 simple yet effective tips, you’ll be seeing that SOLD sign out front in no time.

Do Your Research

First things first; research. Before sprucing up the place or adding some finishing touches to make your home sparkle, it’s important to know what the homes in your area are going for. Complete a home evaluation and do some research on the comparables within your neighbourhood to stay in the know. This will give you a great idea and understanding of what your home is worth, what you should list it at and the range at which you can expect it to be sold.

Next on the list is finding the right realtor for you! While family referrals are wonderful, you want to ensure you choose the right realtor for your home, your neighbourhood, and your goals. Your listing agent should have a well-thought-out plan on how to sell your home and how to receive top dollar! Of course, if you ever need a realtor, you can always contact us.

Time for a Deep Clean

It’s time to make your home shine! Before getting the repairs or repainting rooms, give your home a deep clean. This will not only make your home look more appealing to buyers, but it will also help your family during your move. Get rid of the clutter or anything that is no longer serving you. Wash the windows, the walls, and be sure to clean out the fridge and the oven. It’s a small step, but one that moves mountains when it comes to selling your home.

Fix and Repair

Time to call the handyman? Of course, if everything is working up to code in your home you can skip this step. However, if something has been making a noise or not working properly, now would be the best time to get it fixed. Unfortunately, noisy fans or poorly working appliances can cause buyers to walk away from an otherwise beautiful home. Don’t miss out on an offer! Make sure everything is working as it should.

Paint the Walls

Add a little sparkle! To give your home a little TLC and to make it shine, add a fresh coat of paint to the walls. While you’re at it, take a look at some of the trending and popular colours of the season. By adding these modern and on-trend touches to your home, you’ll be able to attract many buyers and sell your home in no time. Not sure if the colour is right for your home or a particular room? Be sure to ask your listing agent! They’ll be able to provide advice and style trends that will keep your home looking fresh and well cared for.

Stage Your Home

Your home is clean and fresh! But it’s not quite ready to be listed on the market. Before getting professional photos done of your home for the MLS listing and for the marketing collateral that you may need, your home will need to be staged. This often-overlooked step helps to sell homes almost 10% quicker than spaces that are not staged!

Don’t just work on the inside of your home! Be sure to stage the outside too. All of this will help increase interest, the number of showings and the number of offers that come to the table. It’s a little bit of work for a great reward! Not sure how to stage a home? Be sure to lean on your listing agent again. They’ll be sure to set up each room to look well cared for, trendy, and right for any buyer.

Getting your home ready for the market can be a bit of a process. But if done correctly, you can be sure to sell your home quickly and easily, with little to no frustration. So do your research and roll up your sleeves! It’s time to put in the effort to sell your home and receive top dollar. Are you ready?

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